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Saturday, 13 September 2008

Teaching Creationism and Darwinian Evolution

Once again, thanks to Sarah Palin, there's been a lot of debate about whether schools should teach Creationism / Intelligent Design alongside Darwinian Evolution.

I'm all for teaching both alongside each other, but not in the science lesson - nor in religion. Evolution is a scientific theory based on tangible evidence, with some scope for testing the hypotheses, and belongs in science teaching. Creationism / Intelligent Design are based on scriptures and belong in religion.

Both are dependent on belief systems, and what kids (and adults) need to learn is the ability to examine belief systems and ask smart questions about them. So maybe they should come together in PSHE of philosophy.

FWIW when until the age of 7-8, my youngest never asked the typical kiddie question "why?" - he asked the far tougher "how do you know?"

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