Greece, retail, deficits, public sector etc.
Looking round, there's a lot to worry about. Shit hitting the fan. People losing their livelihood. Potential for serious civil unrest.
During a previous high-anxiety period (Nov 2008-March 2009) that really got to me, my wife wisely warned me: "Stop worrying about the world - you have things to be getting on with". That helped me to stop seeing everything happening around me in terms of imminent threat. Even so, now is looking dicey.
It may be that the world economic system is about to undergo massive convulsions, which may serve us right for being greedy and heedless etc.
It may be that some massive catastrophe will come along and do for us all. Next year even.
It may be that there is some cosmic force at work, about to visit hard lessons on us.
It may be that we just got lucky for a bit and rode our luck too hard.
Right now, I'm aware that I (and maybe others too) am more inclined than usual to feel a surge of anxiety with every new headline - to catastrophise wildly. This may be an appropriate response in terms of the magnitude of the threats - always bearing in mind that billions of people are now and will always be far worse off than me.
Whatever the objective reality is now, some people will interpret it in a way that tends to weaken or even incapacitate them. Others will interpret it in a way that enables them to get on with their lives more or less effectively.
I'm interested in hearing how you are "framing" the situation and - equally important - some concrete examples of what that means in terms of your behaviour.
Looking round, there's a lot to worry about. Shit hitting the fan. People losing their livelihood. Potential for serious civil unrest.
During a previous high-anxiety period (Nov 2008-March 2009) that really got to me, my wife wisely warned me: "Stop worrying about the world - you have things to be getting on with". That helped me to stop seeing everything happening around me in terms of imminent threat. Even so, now is looking dicey.
It may be that the world economic system is about to undergo massive convulsions, which may serve us right for being greedy and heedless etc.
It may be that some massive catastrophe will come along and do for us all. Next year even.
It may be that there is some cosmic force at work, about to visit hard lessons on us.
It may be that we just got lucky for a bit and rode our luck too hard.
Right now, I'm aware that I (and maybe others too) am more inclined than usual to feel a surge of anxiety with every new headline - to catastrophise wildly. This may be an appropriate response in terms of the magnitude of the threats - always bearing in mind that billions of people are now and will always be far worse off than me.
Whatever the objective reality is now, some people will interpret it in a way that tends to weaken or even incapacitate them. Others will interpret it in a way that enables them to get on with their lives more or less effectively.
I'm interested in hearing how you are "framing" the situation and - equally important - some concrete examples of what that means in terms of your behaviour.