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Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Media fragmentation

Last night I finally finished watching "Cache" (Hidden), a French-language movie directed by an Austrian. It runs to about 1 hour 53 minutes, but it took me three viewings to complete - one on the DVD at home a couple of weeks ago, then on my laptop in bed at my mum's place last week, then finally last night on my laptop in bed.

The movie itself is a little "arthouse" - not at all the standard Hollywood stuff. It leaves more questions than answers. And watching it in bits in different places was strangely appropriate.

The previous feature film I rented was Amelie (also French) which I also watched in bits.

At the moment I'm just not prepared to commit practically two hours non-stop to watching a movie and I'm certainly not prepared to commit to being in front of the TV at a particular time to watch a series. So we rent "24" on DVD, four episodes at a time. At around 45 minutes an episode, it's easy to squeeze in at the end of the day between other activities such as reading to the kids, piano practice and sleep. Perfect.

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