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Thursday, 12 March 2009

The power of incremental progress (and a gadget)

I've never been a great fan of jogging, but where am at right now it's the most effective way to get some daily CV and rebalance the system. I can swim for an hour or play tennis for an hour, no problem. When I started running just after Christmas I had to take a breather after 800 metres.

I've gradually increased the distance non-stop and the pace but the big break-through has been getting the RunKeeper app on my iPhone. Now that I can see exactly how far I've run every day, and how fast, I just have to make sure it's a little more each time. Today it was just over 3 km and soon it will be 5.00 km.

So many thanks Jason Jacobs of RunKeeper.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Blowing away the cobwebs today

I went on the following run - map courtesy of RunKeeper on my iPhone. Great app, guys!

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Tweets as a way to drive blog / website traffic

Maybe it's the people I'm following on Twitter, but it seems to me that a lot of tweets are essentially functioning as a signpost to blogs or websites.

Sometimes the click-through is worth the time, but nine times out of ten I scan tweetlinks and ignore them. IMO part of the value of Tweets is saying something worthwhile in 140 characters or less.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Twitter search, not Google

Today I needed to find out some information about Location-Based Services and rather than Google the term I searched it on Twitter. Within seconds I had found something highly relevant and authoritative here, thanks to Twitter.
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