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Friday, 3 September 2010

iPhone 4 antenna problem - my simple solution

You know all the fuss about the dropped signals on the iPhone 4?  It's true..  Not that I've lost any calls.  It's just that the phone routinely shows me a message saying "Network Lost".

That nice Mr Jobs and his people have offered to send me a "bumper" to put round the phone to sort the problem out.  I've ordered one and it's been dispatched, apparently.

In the meantime, I've found a simple, elegant solution.  Don't hold the phone!  Put it on a table if you want to make a call.  I've realised that I normally hold my iPhone in my left hand, leaving my right hand free for fending off overzealous admirers or whatever.  And try as I might I can't hold it in my left hand without "shorting" the antenna band.  In my right hand it works okay as long as I don't use my fingers ;)

All in all, it's a nice piece of kit but how the hell did it ever get released with such a design flaw?

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