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Friday, 15 July 2011

Shallow people or just shallow habits?

According to my sources, the superstar Greek philosopher Socrates said: "The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being". What a recipe for navel gazing, I hear you say. Spare us, please! The world needs fewer self-appointed thinkers and more people who just get on with things and make them happen, right?

Lighten up, Harris!!

The world certainly seems to be full of people who would rather run a marathon dressed as Rupert Murdoch or spend the evening arguing about the relative merits of iPhone OS vs. Android or who should win the next talent show ... anything rather than engage in thought and conversation that go beyond the surface.

Being pro-human in most things, I tend to think that most people have a capacity for reflecting on their experience, whether it's the experience of watching Avatar or listening to Beyonce or looking a some Banksy graffiti. The fact that so many people don't do it is because they've never tried or they feel uncomfortable doing so. They have the habit of being shallow.

So I'm happy to lighten up by all means, but shallow up? Never!

1 comment:

Melbamae said...

I had the opportunity to view extraordinary levels of shallowness recently. I found myself wondering if perhaps they use idle chatter as a defense shield of some sort? Perhaps it is used to deliberately prevent themselves from thinking too deeply or seeing things in too realistic a way?

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