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Monday, 2 January 2012

Eddie Izzard for mayor of London?

In an interview in the Graun Eddie Izzard says: "I plan my life with military precision. I plan very, very far into the distance, 20 or 30 years ahead. I'm going to do an Iron Man next year. In 2020 I'm going to run for Mayor of London or become an MP. I can tell you all this off the top of the head, but there's room for spontaneity." >>>>
Bearing in mind that he ran 43 marathons a couple of years ago, and did 71 gigs in French last year, he is clearly a man of great determination.  He's also very intelligent.  And very funny.
Would that help him be a good mayor or MP?  Maybe, provided he learns an awful lot about how to do politics between now and 2020. 

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