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Thursday, 24 May 2007

Readiness to be inspired....

Thinking a lot about creativity at the moment and wondering how people do it ... certainly in the visual area, which is way outside my home base. So I was perusing Luminous Landscape and came across an excellent essay by Alain Briot. The following is an excerpt and the full piece is here>>>

Being ready means being able to dedicate time to being inspired, something that in today’s society, and in the life of a majority of people, is rarely the case. In other words, if you hear yourself saying “Yeah, right. Like I can really drop everything just because all of a sudden I feel inspired!” you are actually expressing how most people feel. There is little room today for inspiration in most people’s lives. However, if your goal is to create artistic photographs, if your goal is to be an artist, in short if your goal is to create art, you must make room for the muses to visit you, or for when inspiration strikes, whenever that may be.

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