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Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Us and Them

Sometimes, just very occasionally, it hits home just how amazing it is that individual human beings manage to communicate with each other at all, let alone pretty constantly. After all each of us assembles our own version of "reality" inside the light-proof box of our skull, picking and choosing from the deluge of information supplied by our sensory organs.

I remember finishing a 5x4 day course, when 120 or so people were asked to take paper and crayons and draw a representation of their experience. We had all sat in the same room those 20 days, heard the same things, gone out for lunch and drinks together, and yet looking round the 120 visuals hung on the wall, no two were even similar. All were different. And that was just 120 people.

The fact is, every other human being out there is "Them" and Us is really just "Me". If I'm going to kid myself that "Us" includes my family, my friends, my colleagues or my countrymen, then I may as well keep that "Us" boundary flexible and recognise that it's down to me who I regard as "Us".

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