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Monday, 21 June 2010

In praise of discrimination

You see the word discrimination and you can barely avoid thinking "racial discrimination". Modern Anglo-Saxon culture has labelled discrimination a bad thing. 

As with so many human skills and behaviours, it all depends on context.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no expertise without discrimination. Expert discrimination is the ability to notice small, critical differences and to use your understanding of those differences constructively. It's about being highly tuned in and constructive.

My wife has a highly-developed sense of colour - she can get upset or rapturous about shades of grey-green that are equally pleasing to me. I notice things about gait, posture and gestures that she doesn't. And we're both very tuned in to accents and language.

It's probably not practical or desirable to be equally discriminating about everything in life. However, if you don't develop or permit discrimination then everything seems the same.

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