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Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Apple arguments - what are they really about?

Nobody much seems to argue about ideology any more.  My father-in-law, Billy Bragg and a few other stalwarts still fly the red flag but it's not a discussion that stirs much passion.

Contrast that with the passion for and against Apple.  Every day, in various places - in articles, online forums, in pubs and bars and diverse locations - people get very heated about the pros and cons of Apple.

Being a student of human nature as I am, and believing that arguments are usually about much more than the "content" of what's being argued about, as I believe, you can imagine that I'm wondering what the heck all the Apple arguments are really about.

I can certainly give a pretty full account of why I get worked up on the subject, but before then I would be interested to hear from others what they think.  If possible I would like to hear you perspective on what the Apple arguments are really about, rather than the minutiae of he said/she said, product specs and market share.

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