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Saturday, 17 July 2010

Human beings don't do facts - we do perceptions

We human beings are not computers or machines. 

Even if we are "no more than" assemblages of chemicals and electrical impulses, our organism is far, far, far more complex and subtle than even the most sophisticated devices created by man.

Treating human beings like machines, or expecting us to process information like computers, is not only wrong, it's wrong-headed - stupid.

"Perception" is not a bug in our human system that prevents us from grasping "reality". Perception is as close as we get to understanding "reality" - it's how we decide which "facts" are relevant, and how we assemble and make sense of those "facts".

Failing to understand the crucial role of perception in human interactions, or ignoring it, is equivalent to thinking that the earth is flat or that the sun goes round the earth.

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