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Monday, 16 April 2007


I reckon many people have addictions to a greater or lesser extent. By addiction, I mean repeatedly doing something against one's better judgment - usually because of the feelings that come with it, or the feelings that are masked by it.

I've recently half-broken an addiction to the action serial "24". Having had series 3, 4 and now 5 on DVD has made it possible to get to the end of one "hour" and go straight into the next "hour" - to get the next "fix", as it were. It's been instructive to recognize the "next fix" craving and push it away.

I have been a computer game addict (sad, eh?) and I broke that one by uninstalling the games and binning the software. I also have an online forum addiction that waxes and wanes. Currently it's waning.

From what I can see, it's also possible to be addicted to certain feelings, which results in behaviour that delivers those feelings. Angerrrrrr. Outrage!!! Moral superiority. Self-elevation. Being right. Winning. Titillation.

All of which inclines me to believe that many of the things that many of us do are ultimately means of creating certain feelings that we want to have. Goals (conscious or unconscious) are often the means to get the feeling. I guess the trick is not to think that one can't have the feeling without reaching the goal.

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