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Thursday, 19 April 2007

Leaning about vs. Learning how

In my 53rd year, which I reckon to be halfway through my life (touch wood), I find myself in a frenzy of learning how to do new things, aka "skills-based learning". So much of life is weighed down with receiving information (=knowing about), it's refreshing and invigorating to put learning into action. And it's very satisfying to go from learning how to knowing how.

The local university (Bath) has a "Division for Lifelong Learning" offering a great range of courses for all-comers; I learn Digital Imaging (e.g. Photoshop) there on a Monday evening and from the Internet which is stuffed with interactive courses teaching Photoshop. The University also has a fantastic sports department, so Tuesday evenings it's tennis lessons with other "mature" learners. And just up the hill we're very lucky to have a performing. recording harpsichordist who also giives weeks piano lessons to five-thumb klutzes such as myself. And in several locations round the country, the London College of Clinical Hypnosis delivers accredited courses in one of my favourite subjects - I attend the London courses one weekend a month.

For anyone of any age interested in learning "how", this a fantastic time in history.

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