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Friday, 27 April 2007

Urrrgggh - it's technolust

Most years I go through at least three or four spells of lusting after a piece of hardware or software - marvels of technology that will of course transform my life.

Sometimes the lust goes away without being consummated because my attention has locked onto something else. Sometimes the lust just keeps on and on until I do something about it and actually buy the piece of kit. And sometimes I even use it after I've bought it!!

The latest object of desire was one of these here>> but as so often happened, one thing led to another and now it's one of these here >>>

Maybe it's the boys' toys thing. Maybe it comes from being brought up in the heyday of science fiction and James Bond. Maybe it's just distracting myself with mindless consumerism. Whatever - maybe I should just let myself enjoy it.

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