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Saturday, 29 May 2010

Challenging your prejudices - country music

About 20 years ago a young French visitor overturned my prejudices about American country music.  I was showing her my multiple TV channels and quickly skipped past CMTV.  "Stop I want to see that one."  So we went back and watched a couple of music videos.  The girl said "these people can really sing" and she was right.  And the lyrics told stories - some mawkish, some touching, some funny, some outrageous.

From then on I was a regular CMTV viewer, until we moved to Amsterdam and I drifted away from country music.  Then one afternoon one of the creative teams were raving about Emmylou Harris.  I had previously heard her and not been much interested, but I bought her album "Wrecking Ball" and then "Red Dirt Girl".  RDG is all her own songs and they are as deep as anything I've ever heard.  Don't just take my word for it.  Check out this clip of "Michaelangelo" and tell me it doesn't reach deep inside.

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