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Monday, 17 May 2010

Male fashion and the vexed question of shirt collars

Men of a certain age don't face many fashion questions beyond "shall I throw those trousers out or lose a few pounds and use them again?"

One that has vexed me of late is: "Why are virtually all shirt collars now of the sort that I don't get on with?"  Namely the spread shape in the image below.

I have tried a few variations on the spread collar and I like none of them.  Button-down, straight or tab are my preferences.  I tried at Lewins a couple of months ago and they were all spreads.  I tried at the Bath M&S on Saturday and out of a huge selection, I reckon that 90% of the shaped collars were variations on the spread.

Maybe I'm just completely out of tune with the sartorial times.  Mind you I did manage to get a shirt that should meet the approval of LaRae Wilkins, who alerted me to the fraught issue of colours.

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