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Monday, 18 October 2010

Do you do awesome?

Listening to my 11-year-old and his friend talking about various things - mostly Warhammer - this weekend, I heard plenty of "awesome" and "immense". They also use the High Rising Terminal inflection a lot - making statements sound like a question. My daughter (15) also uses awesome and HRT a lot, but my son (14) doesn't.

As a keen student and observer of language, I noticed a couple of years ago that my wife (mid-40s) uses the High Rising Terminal too. She said she picked it up from her fellow students, who were mostly in their mid-20s. What she didn't pick up was "awesome". In fact she never says it. In fact I don't know any adults who do, apart from a woman in my Twitter feed who hoped we all had AWESOME weekends.

These are just a few examples. My current hypothesis is that mature adults (30+) who want to sound in tune with the times can feel okay using the High Rising Terminal but don't feel so comfortable using "awesome".

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