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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Is the Internet whipping up anger?

There are an awful lot of very angry people out there.  I'm not talking about the oppressed toiling in appalling conditions, who may well be angry.  Rather I mean people with homes and health care and relative financial security.

When I was a lad, the most angry person around was Alf Garnett on TV, the working class bigot who ranted about immigration and left-wingers.  In the 80s it was Ben Elton doing his rantathons on TV. 

Now with the Internet we can tune in to angry people all over the world - the denizens of Fox TV in the States, jihadis from who knows where and ordinary bloggers incensed by whatever - after all there's plenty to be incensed about.

I reckon the Internet has warped the balance of the planet by amplifying two naturally-occurring emotions - lust and anger.  And I'm REALLY ANNOYED ABOUT IT!!!!!! ;)

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